Woke NJ School Officials Push Sex Education for 2nd-Grade Students

The dems aren’t holding back when it comes to ruining the future of our youth. These liberals would never make America great if they continue their power play.

We’ve seen how they’re pushing Critical Race Theory…  trying to brainwash our children earlier to create more discrimination. 

Now, they want to teach children sex education and gender identity in schools.

NJ Pushes Sex Ed Earlier for Students in 2nd Grade

New Jersey students will get lessons related to gender identity this fall under state sex education guidelines. The new curriculum will take effect in September. 

Atty. Kristen Sinclair, a mother of two, is not impressed with the state’s plan of teaching gender identity… and the woke curriculum to children.

She said on Fox, “It’s very shameful that the groups that put this curriculum together did so while everyone was being told to hide in your house. [This was the time when] the air was filled with Covid.”

Then she added, “They intended to change our children’s hearts and minds in 2022 when everything was better. It’s very frustrating. But we’ve been on top of it, and we were ready for this fight.”

From its looks, the liberals want to separate children from their parents’ values…

Meanwhile, Rep. Jeff Van Drew was also displeased with the dems’ movement. He shared his thoughts on Newsmax.

The patriot leader believes that the children are too young to be taught all these. He said, “They’re too young. These kids only have trouble figuring out who their favorite superhero is and what color they love the most. We want normal things for our children. We want them to play. We want them to learn to read.”

Then, Drew slammed the Biden administration for another wrong turn. He added, “This administration says that we should talk to young children because they may have certain sexual organs, but they actually could be of different sex…  It’s not healthy. These are little babies, and they should be able to have a wonderful, somewhat innocent, good life. It isn’t the time for that.”

He then made it clear that he’s willing to stop the dems from corrupting children. Drew said, “If I can, I will put in a ‘My Child, My Choice bill’ that would stop this nationally and give parents rights again.”

NJ School Officials Block Oppositions on Sex Ed Standards

Earlier this month, Education Commissioner Angelica Allen-McMillan defended the liberal’s new curriculum. 

Allen-McMillan was vocal about her support. She said, “I firmly support the 2020 New Jersey Student Learning Standards in comprehensive health and physical education.” 

Then she added, “I recognize that the department can strengthen our efforts to clarify the meaning and scope of the standards for educators.” 

It’s evident that the dems just want to stay in control. However, they’re going too far this time because they involve innocent children in their mess.

Second graders aren’t asking questions about gender identity or race. What the dems are doing is not education. It’s indoctrination, and there is a difference between the two. 

Teaching provides tools for students to observe, think, and draw conclusions. In contrast, indoctrination tells students what to think.

Gov. Ron DeSantis did the right call to implement the Parental Rights in the Education Bill in his state. He’s simply protecting children from getting corrupted at an early age. It looks like we will need Florida’s bill to be in New Jersey.

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One Thought to “Woke NJ School Officials Push Sex Education for 2nd-Grade Students”

  1. Rose

    Let’s quit calling them WOKE. Let’s call EVIL those that use our impressional children as cannon fodder and groom them for a confused and probably very unhappy life.

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